About Anthro Dreams

Anthropomorphic Dreams is a small-press publisher aimed at showcasing stories featuring anthropormorphic animal characters in a broad range of genres.  Stories are published in multiple mediums,  fiction books, art galleries and audio narrations with the podcast.

Podcast Submissions

Due to a back log of stories, the podcast is not currently open for submissions. 

The podcast is looking for short fiction of the range of 2,000 to 6,000 words, though shorter or longer stories may be considered. All genres encompassing anthropomorphic characters are welcomed and stories with good character drama are always appreciated, as are lighter comedies or slice-of-life vignettes. The rating content is mostly general audience, with the occasional mature story. In terms of movie ratings, stories may range from G to PG-13 or soft R.

Submissions are preferred in MS Word doc format. A standard, easily-readable font such as Times New Roman should be used and formatting should be kept simple, with only bold, italics and/or underlines used for emphasis. The author’s real name and contact information (at minimum an e-mail address and optional postal address) and a word count for the story should be included at the top of the file, before the story title and the author’s name as they wish to be credited. An example submission is shown below.

John Doe                                                  2500 words
1 Lampost Way
Shady Glen, Narnia 55555

On the Importance of Ernest
by Buck Dasher

The above information header should be contained in the actual document file itself, and not simply sent as part of the submission e-mail text. If using MS Word doc or a similar format, please include page numbers on the document, to allow for ease of use in case any editing is required.

Submissions may be mailed to podcast@anthrodreams.com

Stories accepted for the podcast stories will be paid at a rate of 1/4 cent per word for non-exclusive publishing rights.


Anthropomorphic Dreams does not have open submissions for any anthologies at this time. Novel submissions cannot be accepted either.