The podcast has been on hiatus, and is most likely discontinued for good. It was a fun and fulfilling venture while it lasted, but with work and life, I had less and less time to work on it and my focus was elsewhere. It got to be like a chore and that’s when it was time to walk away.

Thank you for the authors and narrators who provided work for the podcast, and the fans who let us know the work was enjoyed. My hope is that this podcast may have inspired others in the fandom and someone else may decide to take up the torch for anthro/furry audio fiction.

So with the podcast discontinued, I cancelled the service on Libsyn as I was paying every month for a service I wasn’t using. Therefore the episodes are no longer available there, and the links to the episodes are broken. However, I have archived every episode in lower-bandwidth form in my gallery on FurAffinity, so the episodes can be found and downloaded/listened to there.

It’s that time of year again, Anthro Dreams podcast is up for an Ursa Major award in the Best Magazine category. Voting is open until May 15th. If you like the podcast, please consider voting for it here.

On another note, it takes a lot of time and effort to put episodes of the podcast together. The podcast doesn’t have the funds to pay professional rates, but it does pay authors, narrators and audio editors some money for their stories and their work. There are also hosting fees for both the website and the audio file streaming service. If you enjoy the stories in audio fiction, please consider supporting the podcast with a Paypal donation, we could really use the help.

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Anthropomorphic Dreams has been publishing audio fiction on the podcast for three years now. So far the costs of file and domain hosting, paying authors and story narrators, have been covered out of pocket by the editor and supplemented by book sales. These costs add up and the press is running in the red. It would also be nice to be able to pay authors and narrators more for their work, so now is the time to open donations.

If you enjoy the audio stories the podcast has been showcasing, please consider a donation to help support more audio stories in the future.

PayPal Donation Link

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Things have been extremely busy for me the last couple months, with work taking a lot of my time and energy and the publishing side of things have suffered. I am working on catching up with things and there will be new episodes for the podcast in the coming weeks.

There is a significant back log of stories for the podcast, so podcast submissions are going to be temporarily closed for the next few months.

Also, after a lot of thought I have decided to cancel the planned third installment of the human/anthro anthology as I do not have the time and attention to devote to it now. I’m sorry to have to cancel the book, but I just can’t support it right now. I am instead going to focus what time I do have on the podcast.

Will Sanborn, editor Anthropomorphic Dreams

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After some delays,  the book Bait and Switch by Austen Crowder is now available in Kindle ebook format through Amazon.

More books from the back-catalog are planned for conversion to Kindle format later this year, and new books are targeted to have dual print and ebook release for the future.

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